CMB Leadership Retreat – August 2-4, 2019

Our 2019 Leadership Retreat will take place at Camp Egan in Tahlequah, OK. All leadership team members are required to attend, and we will start at 10:30 am on Friday, August 2nd and finish up by about 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 4th.

The following documents will help you better prepare for these important three days:

Other details:

The following meals will be provided for you while at camp: lunch and dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. You are encouraged to bring any other snacks you may want between meals or in the evenings as well.

Please work together to carpool from your respective areas (Stillwater, Tulsa, OKC, Texas, etc.). We will be driving the large OSU van, which seats about 12 people, as well. If you would like to ride in the van, please email Kevin Varga. The van will leave Stillwater from the Seretean Center at 7:30 am on Friday morning.

Please down the Ultimate Drill Book (UDB) app BEFORE arriving at the leadership retreat. You will not be able to get a strong enough cell phone signal at the camp to download it. You may also view some UDB app tutorials on their website by clicking the link. Please create your account using the following instructions from UDB:

Staff & Students
  1. Download UDBapp from the app store.
  2. Click on “Don’t have an account? Sign-up”
  3. Enter Ensemble Code – osu2019
  4. Enter Ensemble Password – osu2019-ens
  5. Create a new personal account to use with UDBapp

At leadership retreat, we will learn some sample drill using a file labeled “LEADERSHIP RETREAT: Greatest Showman 1”. Please also DOWNLOAD this file prior to arriving. This should show up after creating your account using the credentials above. If you want to get REALLY FANCY and experiment with syncing the PDF music to the drill file, you may access that music here.

If you want to check out some info about the camp yourself, including driving directions, more information about the facilities, and rec-time activity options, visit:

In addition to the team building aspect of the weekend, one of our primary goals is to unify our own marching and teaching methods so that we are as efficient as possible during band week and throughout the season. I promise you that you will have a very positive experience throughout the camp, and that we will leave this retreat as a unified leadership team!

Instrument Check-Out:
Brent Baldwin will be in charge of the instrument inventory this year. If you need an instrument for leadership camp, please either come by the band office on Thursday, August 1st from 10am-2 pm, or email Brent to set something up. If you aren’t coming to Stillwater prior to arriving at Camp Egan, we (or another member of your section) can bring an instrument for you.

Since this is an official OSU-sponsored event, and Camp Egan is also affiliated with the Methodist church, there is ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL allowed on the camp grounds. This should go without saying, but I just wanted to make it explicitly clear. We must respect the policies of our university, as well as those of Camp Egan.

Pack List: